Witchcraft as Selfcare

Some have never thought of it this way, and some might be saying well duh?

Witcraft relies on many of the same things that acts of self care involve. For any non witches who might be reading I know you need a little explanation here. I mean… If you are reading and interested in this blog at all you must be at least intrigued by the craft but maybe you don’t realize how easily self care and witchcraft go hand in hand and end up, sometimes, being one in the same thing. Here’s a few examples:

Meditation — As someone who is happily in therapy and having worked through many acts of meditative self care to get my anxiety under control… AND… As someone who has grounded herself to the earth to send out (or pull in) intentions, I’m here to say they require the same muscles. Both take an intentional slowing of breath and balancing of bodily systems. Both require clearing of space before the real work can begin, physical and mental. And both take time… sometimes LOTS and lots of time.

The 5 senses — The top suggestion in my self care tool box is to activate all five physical senses when you are experiencing panic or you are overwhelmed. For instance, just randomly… taste something sour, touch something smooth, listen to outside sounds, smell something soothing, and look for 5 blue things. The goal is to pull your focus out of your brain so that you can flip the switch and calm your body and mind down. In witchcraft (for me), thing number one on the agenda is get out of your head so that you can experience something magical. I am looking at my alter and various accouterments and I see: Candles (see), oils/herbs (smell), stones/crystals (touch), a chime or shaker (hear), a vessel with wine or more likely juice and/or an offering (taste). I clear the space around me physically and energetically so there’s room for focus on intention. So, getting out of our heads (that are filled with the to do lists and bills we have to pay still) is an essential tool for both the self care and the witchcraft tool box.

Sometimes just holding a cold crystal in my hand is enough to get me out of my head. If that isn’t magick…

Getting outside — You’ve seen that meme that says “Camping is MY antidepressant.” Mostly I don’t care for that meme because it shames those of us who need medicine to survive our depression. I WISH I could just walk outside and feel better without meds. I will say however that that meme does hold some truth. Going outside, getting fresh air, unplugging from technology, getting some exercise in… these are all things that can assist in improving one’s mental health. And, if you haven’t guessed it already, these are also all things that aid in witchy activity. Witchcraft for me (and most witches, I’d say) is all about connecting with the earth and all the energies of the natural world. Being outside, even if it’s just sitting in your yard, or going for a walk, is wonderful for both self and witchy care. Of course they can been done together!

Time — Remember that very overused saying “Time Heals”? Like all cliches that are based on some level of wisdom this also holds true for both magick and improving one’s mental health. Both don’t happen over night, both require energy spent over time, and most certainly working on either is ongoing for our whole lives. Some folks who think witchcraft is hoo ha because it can’t possibly be real, based on how media portrays it, are absolutely correct. That’s not Magick… that’s Hollywood doing their thing, fitting everything in a nice wrapped up instantly gratified package. They do the same thing with self care, things often just magically get fixed by the end of the 90 minutes spent watching a movie. Magick takes time. Self care takes time. Time is a precious commodities why not combine the two occasionally?

Now I’m not saying anyone should give up the mundane world of pedicures and massages and cups of tea alone in a coffee shop, reading or knitting (which btw all sound potentially magickal to me!). No one needs to let go of those days where a Netfix binge is in order after a long intense week. Just think though, next time you are applying that face mask or going for a walk, about how witchy you might infact be!

Witchy friends: Have you ever considered parts of your craft self care? What are some ways I didn’t address here?

Witchy-interested friends: Think about the things you do to “come back to center”, wondering how can those things be given an extra magickal kick? Let’s chat in the comments!

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