The short story +Blog

In one fell swoop I sat down at my alter wanting to find guidance and suddenly I have the deepest urge to clear out the old unfocused blog posts of randomness and embrace something new… A blog about a spirituality that is uniquely my own. As eclectic as any human brain might allow, here’s my path which started years ago but now I feel the calling to finally focus on and share it more. I emerge from the forest and continue back down this path hand in hand with my kiddo who, according to Encanto, is over 5 years old and ready to embrace the idea that magic is real… if only a little bit different than how they portray it in the movies.

Card Pull: King of Cups

So, somehow I will be in control of my feelings today? I mean so far so good but at the time this was pulled the sun wasn’t even up yet. This could also mean that I have found some balance in my life and today it shows. Considering the imbalance I was definitely feeling just…

Card Pull: 7 of Cups

It’s not surprising that I pull this card the morning after I have a therapy session where I spent almost the entire hour complaining that I want something more. Something exciting, something bigger, something to look forward to… but I couldn’t figure out what. Seven of cups indicates that I need to find balance between…

Magic For Others

I was recently requested as a co-conspirator on some magic (I of course mean that in the most affectionate and cheeky of ways). The request was to hold space, light a candle, send out energy to assist and protect someone in their journey to being single and free of any strongholds being placed on them…