Divining The Now

I’ve been dabbling lately with cards, both Tarot and Oracle. As a person whose brain embraces both science and the metaphysical equally it’s occasionally a struggle to truly believe the spirit is trying to say something to me (vs using the cards as a tool for self awareness and reflection) until you pull the same card several days in a row no matter how many times you’ve shuffled the cards.

In the mornings it’s been really effective to encourage a pair of little eyes to open by calling the corners at our little bedroom alter and lighting the candles. She’s fascinated with ritual so long as it’s something active, not so much with grounding which for me means a great deal of quiet meditation. I’ve also occasionally been letting her pull my morning card from an oracle deck I recently fell in love with called The Crystallary by Maia Toll. Basically I just adore stones and crystal witchery so this little deck makes my heart happy and she loves being a part of the process so it’s a win win. Not only has she pulled this specific card more than once, so have I. I’m not even sure at this point who is for if not both of us… although self reflection might be a little beyond her scope.

From the Crystallary Oracle Deck by Maia Toll

My interpretation of this card and its corresponding page in the guidebook is, simply put, I need to focus more on taking care of my inner creature whose experience lies in the right now. There’s a whole world within me that needs and deserves my attention and I’m not too proud to say I too often allow my attention to shift outwards. Hard not to when you have a little fire sign with a flare for the dramatic and a new(ish) full time job that has a steep(ish) learning curve. As a person who suffers from anxiety that is heightened by a lack of down time this card should just be stuck to my forehead. It would remind me to take 5 minutes here and there to just relax and be with myself, and let’s face it I need to stop adding irons to the big fire sign (me). So here’s a little verse I wrote to help…

May the road ahead circle round

To the places you know the best

May the city you most cherish

Be the one where you stop to rest

And when you lay your head down

Think not of what comes later

Reflect apon that which carried you here

And to yourself do lovingly cater

Blessed Be.

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